Scope of the project

BIM building - project

AMAGE solutions participated in the implementation of the project titled: "Digitization of the production process in construction - Polish BIM Center." It focuses mainly on preparing and providing entrepreneurs in the construction industry with tools that allow them to efficiently and effectively support the process of digitization of the company's activities. One of the elements of the project was the implementation of a new building using BIM technology. The project was implemented by the Polish Construction Cluster - National Key Cluster.

The implementation challenge was to propose AMAGE tools throughout the entire building development cycle along with full cooperation with CAD/CAM design systems and CDE project documentation management environments as part of the developed BIM implementation plan. The cycle in which AMAGE software participated included the design stage, the construction stage and the building operation stage.


The building constructed as part of the above-mentioned project is located in Białystok at 11A Pułkowa Street. The project was implemented by a team of architects and a team of contractors. Separate dedicated teams were responsible for coordinating and supporting the project in accordance with the BIM methodology. The Catenda HUB solution (previously called BIM Sync) was chosen as the CDE technology. A diverse set of CAD/CAM software from the Autodesk and Graphisoft families was used for design.

Solution and effects

As part of the construction project, AMAGE was to provide software supporting the entire project in the area of ​​project and task management, as well as introducing additional functions related to assembly supervision, inspection work and fault coordination. During the implementation of the construction project, a set of data was to be created in parallel and verified on an ongoing basis, which would then be used in an instance of the AMAGE system dedicated to facility management. Both the native transfer of IFC models and the transitional model in the COBie format were used to transfer data between the construction instance and the property management instance. At the same time, technical and operational documentation of the devices developed during construction was imported/transferred.

In effect:

  • a complete solution integrating the construction process and the property management stage was developed and tested
  • AMAGE and Catenda Hub (CDE) environments were integrated through programming interfaces, facilitating information exchange and data transfer. The user had full insight into the 3D model when viewing tasks in AMAGE.
  • tasks, inspections and repair events (punchlists) were integrated with the 3D model (IFC) during implementation. They supported the BIM management process coordinated in the CDE environment and supplemented the information generated there.
  • during the construction process, operational documentation was generated and created, which was included both in the properties of the 3D model and in additional documentation/information contained on the platforms
  • marked all relevant locations and devices using 2D tagging, RFID and Beacon-BT technologies to further digitize the model and contextual navigation
  • the 3D model and operational information were transferred from the construction instance to the building management instance
  • a full Facility Management system was implemented based on AMAGE solutions for building management and access to operational information.
  • data is made available via web platforms and mobile devices with support for identification and navigation in a 3D model

Advantages for participants

  • A complete, comprehensive and scalable solution supporting the entire construction and operation process.

  • Support during the construction of contractor and investor teams.

  • Full integration (at the IT/API level) with the CDE environment and seamless data exchange between systems. This facilitates data transfer and avoids costly data migrations and human errors.

  • During the construction process, the investor has insight into the tasks, components and activities performed on one platform.

  • Seamless data transfer between construction data and the property management system (FM)

  • The FM system is ready for operation from the moment the construction is handed over to the investor. This drastically reduces the time needed to start the system and transfer data to it.

  • Based on BIM standards and data schemas developed there, it facilitates coordination between teams and data exchange.

  • AMAGE system solutions complement construction and operation in accordance with the BIM process with additional tools and functions that seamlessly integrate with the entire process.

  • A ready-made FM system with data obtained during construction, with full identification of key rooms and devices and coordination with the 3D model of the investment.


AMAGE Construction
an instance of the AMAGE system dedicated to managing the construction process. Modules used include: work orders, construction supervision, structure, inspections, service events, CDE integration, IFC browser, IFC/COBie importers, mobile devices
AMAGE Facility Management
an instance of the AMAGE system dedicated to building maintenance. Modules used include: structure, documentation, inspections and control works, inspection plans, service events, technical tours module, IFC/3D visualization, 2D/RFID identification, mobile devices
Catenda HUB
CDE solution with which AMAGE was integrated at the data API level and exchanged information regarding 3D models and documentation archive.


Contextual information

